10 Cloud Computing Statistics You Need to Know



It’s no secret that adoption of cloud computing is on the rise and has been for over a decade. In the early days of cloud, businesses had objections like lack of security, loss of control, and cost. Now, these old objections are the primary drivers to the cloud.

Netgain has been providing cloud computing platforms since before the cloud was cool. Since 2000, we’ve been providing remote IT environments for healthcare organizations, financial firms, and mid-sized businesses.  We don’t need the statistics to tell us how cloud can transform businesses, but if we did, the statistics are here to prove it.

  1. 71% look for speed improvements, 63% want greater flexibility, and 57% pick the improved customer support as the primary driver to the cloud. (Source: IDG)
    Though it’s not always the primary driver, Netgain clients tell us time and time again that improved customer support is one of the greatest benefits of the cloud.
  2. 81% of all enterprises have a multi-cloud strategy already laid out or in the works. (Source: IBM)
    Enterprises are able to take full advantage of cloud computing by employing a mix of public and private cloud options.
  3. Financial Services has the highest percentage of server images deployed in private or public clouds. (Source: McKinsey & Company)
    Arguably the most regulated industry is adopting cloud at the greatest pace.
  4. Enterprise adoption of Microsoft Azure increased significantly from 43% to 58%. (Source: Rightscale)
    Cloud partners who are certified Microsoft Azure partners are able to access the unparalleled security and scalability of Azure.
  5. By the end of 2020, 67% of enterprise infrastructure will be cloud-based. (Source: IDC)
    Well over the majority of enterprise infrastructure; this statistic speaks volumes to cloud adoption across industries.
  6. 66% of executives from 19 different industries said a multi-cloud strategy is crucial to reducing costs. (Source: IBM)
    Not only reducing costs, but changing from a capital expense to a predictable monthly operating expense.
  7. By 2021, 98% of businesses will move to multiple hybrid clouds. (Source: IBM)
    As technology changes, the clouds change along with it. Hybrid cloud options offer the benefits of having each workload running on its most optimal platform.
  8. 74% of Tech Chief Financial Officers say cloud computing had the most measurable impact on their business in 2017. (Source: Forbes)
    “Measurable impact” – as in security, productivity, efficiency, and peace of mind.
  9. The average employee uses 36 cloud-based services in their daily routine. (Source: Skyhigh)
    In a seamless cloud environment managed by a cloud partner, an employee won’t even know they’re accessing multiple cloud services!
  10. Cloud technology is so reliable when it comes to safety that 94% of businesses report significant improvements in online security after moving their data to the cloud. (Source: Salesforce)
    Once the greatest objection of migrating to the cloud has now become a leading driver.

The fact is, cloud has been on the rise for years – and the forecast for the future is even greater. Cloud is now regarded as a business enablement platform – a tool to make your business more productive and profitable. How will your organization maximize the benefits of the cloud this year?