
3 Key Arguments for Moving Your Practice to a Cloud Hosting Environment – IBJI Case Study



Healthcare practices must rise to the challenge of handling data security and managing costs in the evolving use of information technology.  Practices unsure of adopting cloud computing solutions should consider the long-term costs and risks of not moving to the cloud.  While on-site systems grow more expensive to maintain, the agility and efficiency of cloud hosting provides a secure, dynamic solution with elements tailored specifically to healthcare.

In a recent telephone interview with one of our customers, three things kept resurfacing in the discussion as critical considerations for choosing Netgain as their private cloud provider…

Cost comparisons: cloud vs. in-house

The first consideration was cost efficiency.  Moving to the cloud has exceptionally low implementation costs and the ongoing fees are predictable, scalable and easily managed.

The customer previously had an outsourced IT system and converting to a user-based system would incur considerable costs in hardware and software purchases.  In addition, it was anticipated that there would be a need for additional investments due to growth in the near future.

By utilizing Netgain’s Private Cloud environment, this practice was able to take advantage of these benefits:

  • Very low upfront costs.

  • Monthly bills that scale for growth.

  • Access to a depth and breadth of talent that wouldn’t be realistic in-house.

They were able to avoid these IT costs:

  • Large outlays for hardware and software.

  • Expensive replacements and upgrades to stay current with technology.

  • Labor spent maintaining and operating the system.

  • Storage space, HVAC, physical security measures, etc.

Managing data security and compliance

Another consideration centered on data safety and compliance with HIPAA requirements.  Our use of cloud computing to leverage the most advanced technologies available to provide that data safety was another key argument on Netgain’s behalf.

Netgain’s Private Cloud offers the safest, most secure computing environment for healthcare practices.

In Netgain’s cloud, the client was able to take care of several key issues for healthcare security and compliance, including:

  • Data secured to HIPAA standards.

  • Data records maintained in case of audit.

  • Security handled without dedicated IT staff on-site.

  • Automated updates and advances for security protocols.

  • Government mandates and requirements kept up with.

Leveraging the power of our IT personnel expertise

Like so many other small hospitals and physician practices, of any size, this customer could ill afford to cover the sick time and turn-over of IT staff needed to handle all of the computing needs on-site. Cloud computing frees up resources to devote to other areas of the practice while enjoying first-class information technology and expertise.  By choosing Netgain the customer was able to enjoy the benefit of expert IT personnel without having to deal with absences, turn-overs and vacancies of IT staff.

Netgain provides private cloud computing which improves and benefits your IT practice’s functions. With Netgain you too can:

  • Receive healthcare technology expertise from a trusted provider.

  • Maintain only the internal IT staff that your practice can afford.

  • Keep the focus on patient care, not scrambling to keep up with HIT advances.

  • Rely on Netgain to ensure the security of your cloud computing solution.