
3 Ways Healthcare Practices Got Results from the Cloud in the Past Year



The changes the healthcare industry have faced in the last couple of years have been significant. At Netgain, we’ve helped practices implement their EHR and navigate complex technology challenges. And while this technology seemed like a disruptive force in the beginning, practices have settled into their new “digital realities” and are starting to see the operational benefits of these systems.

We’ve been able to partner with a lot of practices and deliver real, sustainable results during this time of uncertainty and change.

So, what results do Private Cloud Hosting deliver? Here are a few key drivers and specific results practices are seeing:

  • A platform for all the practice’s applications

    The cloud platform can be a comprehensive solution that offers the flexibility to host all of an organization’s applications, rather than just one or two, as well as modify or add applications. Hosting all applications allows organizations to more quickly implement a technology that improves the patient experience.

    In one recent case, an ENT practice switched from running its NextGen EHR with a very large hosting company to a private cloud at Netgain and for the first time had the ability to also move its other applications to the cloud. This has provided a complete solution for easier management and better performance.

  • Positioning the practice for growth

    Practice mergers and acquisitions have been increasingly common in the healthcare industry. They can be extremely time-consuming, stressful and expensive for practices that have traditional IT environments. With private cloud hosting, organizations can scale the necessary resources to accommodate new users, applications and storage needs. That makes it easier and quicker to integrate the new locations and employees once the merger is complete.

    A 15-provider ophthalmology group recently merged with a similar-sized practice in half the time because of the scalability of their cloud infrastructure. In addition to saving valuable time, the practice also avoided a large capital expense they would have faced in a traditional IT environment.

  • Reliable access for providers

    Providers don’t just want access, they need it. While it used to be that they needed access from work and home, we see now that they need access from anywhere. Providers in today’s practices often need to access their patients’ data from multiple locations like remote clinics, home offices and hospitals. The data from the private cloud is not only quickly accessed, but also secure.

    Private cloud hosting enabled a three-location, OBGYN practice to access their EHR and patient records from not only their clinics but also from the affiliated hospitals where their providers deliver services. By connecting remotely, their providers are able to be more knowledgeable in patient history and efficient with patient documentation. That has had a direct result on the quality of care.

There are constant changes and pressures that private practices face, and it’s often hard to compete with larger networks. These practices are just a few examples of those who are succeeding. Private cloud hosting has helped make that happen. It allows flexibility, scalability and accessibility that positions organizations to quickly and effectively adapt to the industry’s changes. What results will you get this year?