
7 Stages of a Successful Cloud Migration



In the last decade, businesses have learned that Cloud can unlock opportunities for growth, improved security, and cost savings. The same points that used to be objections to moving to the cloud are now drivers to cloud adoption.

The cloud brings such benefits that businesses are standing in line to migrate their applications, data, and systems to the cloud. But for some organizations, the migration can seem daunting, not knowing what to expect.

Netgain has been bringing organizations to the cloud for nearly 20 years.  We’ve migrated thousands of businesses to a cloud environment where they can find stability, security, and continued support. Through our experience, we’ve developed a proven process for cloud migration. We guide each of our clients through these steps for a smooth and successful cloud migration.

    During the Welcome and Planning stage, you’ll meet your new Netgain Care Team. This will be the team that will hold your hand through the deployment process and ensure that the project meets your business objectives. Also, your Project Management Office (PMO) will initiate the project kickoff meeting with you and your stakeholders to plan the project and set the timeline expectations.

    Your PMO will review the Client Documentation Set and perform an in-depth assessment of your existing infrastructure and applications necessary to complete the proposed solution design.

    Based on the objectives and design determined in the planning stage, Netgain will build the appropriate server infrastructure for your organization’s workload. Together with your vendors, Netgain’s Infrastructure Team will provision the appropriate amount of servers and storage resources to accommodate your software applications.

    During this stage, Netgain will also work with your networking and telecom providers to ensure you have the proper bandwidth in place to handle the workflow of your new cloud environment.

    During this phase, Netgain works with your software vendors to install and configure your software applications within the Private Cloud environment. Netgain will work directly with your vendors to coordinate responsibilities and project schedules, so you don’t have to play middle-man.

    Also, as part of this stage, Netgain will examine current data sources and work with you and your team to identify the best approach to migrating data into the new cloud environment.

    This is the most important phase of your implementation. Netgain will build a test environment that resembles your new production environment. Then, we’ll work with your super users to test their normal workflows within the test environment. Users will perform daily, weekly, quarterly tasks to test the functions and performance of the environment. This step allows us to fix any issues before your entire user-base has access to the system.
    After users have adequately tested the new environment, Netgain will work with you and your application vendors to move your data and applications to the production environment. We’ll ensure every user can access your new Netgain environment and perform their work as expected.

    During this important go-live stage, your organization will have a dedicated Netgain contact with whom your users can call to receive expedited support and troubleshooting.

    After the migration, Netgain and your application vendors will provide post go-live support to resolve any issues in your new environment.

    Then, when appropriate, your PMO will transition your organization and its users to Netgain’s Support Team for on-going support, updates, and troubleshooting.

    After your successful go-live, you’ll be transitioned from your project team to your Netgain Account Management and Client Services team. You’ll meet with your Account Management and Client Services team regularly to discuss your IT Roadmap, upcoming changes, environment performance, and have the opportunity to ask any questions you might have.

The migration process will set the stage for a successful relationship. Netgain’s seven-step process covers all the bases and ensures that the environment is properly configured and ready for when users begin using the cloud environment.

Are you ready to reap the benefits of cloud computing? Don’t be overwhelmed with the process; let us help.