
8 Healthcare IT Requirements You Should Be Prepared for in 2014



Technology is ever-evolving, and as a result the industries which rely on technology the most need to be able to evolve as well.  Healthcare IT is no exception.  As of 2014, the ONC has issued a set of standards and requirements which all healthcare practices must follow.

In this vein, there are a number of requirements which have come to the forefront of changes in healthcare IT in 2014:

  1. Providers have the option of using a base EHR technology which covers basic capabilities (such as the ability to keep patient records secure and accessible), and can add on any additional technological capabilities as dictated by their specific needs and objectives to meet EHR meaningful use requirements.  The revised CEHRT definition allows the provider to have the option to have only the EHR technology they need to meet the meaningful use stage they are in.

  2. When it comes to keeping patient records secure and ensuring privacy, the 2014 healthcare IT requirements include encryption of health records if they are being stored on end-user devices.

  3. There must be the ability for changes and corrections to be made to a patient’s records (requiring EHR technology which will enable this).

  4. There is a new certification criterion for vendors which calls for EHR technology which allows patients and healthcare providers to engage in secure messaging.  This would apply only to providers seeking meaningful use attestation.

  5. Healthcare IT must allow for the ability for a patient to view, download and electronically transmit their records in a secure fashion.

  6. In terms of portability of data, healthcare providers must adopt technology which will support the creation of patient summaries which will allow for ease of transition should the provider switch to a new EHR.  Rather than having to enter all patient information into the new EHR, these summaries will carry over to the new system.

  7. According to an article written by the Director of the Federal Policy Division of the ONC, one requirement which could make life easier for many healthcare providers is that the EHR technology developers disclose the type of cost (one-time, ongoing, or both) which will be incurred upon implementation of the new modules.

  8. Also included in the article referenced in #7 is the report of another provision which requires transparency in terms of the results of certification tests performed on EHR’s.

Healthcare IT is ever-changing, and the 2014 requirements prove just that.  Ideally, adherence to these and other requirements should not only make life easier for healthcare providers, but should also make patients feel more secure about accessing and sharing their personal health records.

Netgain is a Healthcare IT provider helping medical practices & smaller/rural hospitals with desktop hosting, SaaS and IaaS solutions.  Our dedicated cloud and private cloud offerings allow organizations of all sizes and specialties to enjoy cloud computing benefits without compromising control or security.

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