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8 Reasons to Choose Netgain As Your Cloud Partner



IT partnerships have become more and more imperative to business success, especially in the healthcare and financial services industries. Data is highly regulated, incredibly confidential, and requires great levels of security.

IT operations within these businesses are the lifeblood of the organization. When IT comes to a halt, typically, so does all productivity and progress. Business reputations are on the line as well as financial stability and security.

With hundreds of IT providers out there, we sometimes get the question “Why Netgain?”  We’re glad you asked. After nearly 20 years serving the healthcare and financial services industries, we’ve developed what we call “The Netgain Standard.”

The Netgain Standard means that our premium features come standard with every client we migrate to the cloud and every project we manage.

Here’s a sneak peek into what The Netgain Standard means:

  1. Performance and availability
    The number one priority of almost every healthcare practice or financial services firm we serve. We ensure your IT system is available and high performing day and night. Our Service Level Agreement promises 99.9% uptime, and we like to exceed expectations!
  2. Client care team
    We know nothing is more frustrating than calling in to a Support Desk that doesn’t know your applications or system. Our team gets to know you, your users, and your IT environment so we can serve you quickly and confidently.
  3. Cybersecurity
    Cyber threats and attacks are rising at a break-neck speed. Netgain has teams of security specialists that focus on prevention, detection, and compliance of your data. From email encryption to application whitelisting, from user training to backup and disaster recovery. Netgain’s security experts safeguard your sensitive data with DoD-grade protection.
  4. Complete compliance
    Compliance is complex. Staying on top of industry-leading regulations like HIPAA, SSAE 18, and SOX is nearly impossible. Our clients can rest easy, knowing that we take the complexity of compliance and wrap it into our cloud services.
  5. Superior user experience
    Happy users, happy life, right? Our Support Team will work to give your users an exceptional support experience at every touchpoint. Our staff knows your environment, wants to build relationships with your users, and understands your business operations. We understand the urgency of your requests and promise to be timely and knowledgeable.
  6. Cost predictability
    Almost all of our clients came to us exhausted of the unpredictability of their IT operations. Unexpected expenses and large capital investments are not uncommon in IT – but at Netgain, you’ll never experience them again with predictable monthly fees that curb your IT budget.
  7. Top tier talent
    You may need access to a variety of IT specialists, but you don’t have to hire them all. When you work with Netgain, you’ll have access to our bench of IT professionals who know your business. From networking and security experts, to virtualization and support specialists. Our team is your team.
  8. Flexibility to scale
    Have you ever bought a new server or storage area network only to find out that you only use it to about 20% of its capacity, yet you had to pay for the whole thing? That doesn’t happen at Netgain. You only pay for the resources you use. And, when you reach capacity and need more, no problem, we’ll procure the resources for you.

We’ve always wanted Netgain to be the “better way” model of computing. The Netgain Standard was created to demonstrate what working with a world-class IT partner can be like.

Contact us to see how Netgain can partner with your organization.