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Security Vulnerability Notice – “Meltdown” and “Spectre” Microprocessor Flaw



What’s going on?
A security vulnerability, known as “Meltdown” or “Spectre,” depending on the variant, has been identified that affects several CPU chipsets. More specifically, this vulnerability could be exploited to interrupt the connection between software and hardware, exposing sensitive data. For a more detailed, technical description of the vulnerability, read this article.

Who does this affect?
The impact is widespread due to this hardware vulnerability existing at the chip-level for the past 22 years.

What is Netgain doing about this?

  • As a Netgain Client, you are already protected through our perimeter and systems defenses that keep all layers of service secure. This includes application whitelisting, anti-virus and other security systems that we have in place. This perimeter defense will keep our clients secure while industry partners develop patches.
  • We are working with industry partners as they develop security patches, and will be rolling out necessary patches to our service platforms as they become available and tested. This includes onsite virtualization infrastructure, managed Windows servers or other server instances and critical workstations.
  • Additionally, we will be monitoring any performance issues that the software patches may produce, both in our platforms and in those we manage within partner ecosystems.

What can I do about it?

  • For non-Netgain-managed devices, you should ensure that all devices are routinely updated and patched. This includes workstations, laptops and mobile devices.
  • If you have any questions, please contact your Netgain Account Manager.