Adult & Pediatric Urology Chooses Netgain



Adult and Pediatric Urology (APU), a 15-provider specialty group in Sartell, MN, has chosen Netgain’s Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) for their IT environment and support needs.

APU had invested in and built their IT environment internally, but experienced employee turnover that left them searching for support.

“Finding technologists that are specialized in areas like Storage Area Networks and server virtualization is hard to do,” said Steve Gerberding, Administrator at APU. “But, Netgain has teams of technologists that offer those levels of specialization. Their team is now an extension of our team.”

Netgain’s expertise in managing such environments for healthcare practices and community hospitals lead APU to the IaaS solution.

Combining the industry leading technologies of VMWare and NetApp, Netgain will be providing a virtualized server & storage environment on-site at APU, with data replication back to Netgain’s Data Center, ensuring disaster recovery for business continuity.

From their headquarters, Netgain will remotely monitor and manage the performance, capacity, upgrades, and performance trends of the IaaS components to ensure APU’s infrastructure is experiencing optimal performance.

With Netgain’s IaaS solution, APU will experience improved performance, enhanced security, and overall, enhanced patient care.