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Business Continuity During COVID-19



When people think of business continuity, they usually think of their business being disrupted by a natural disaster like a hurricane, tornado, or flood. COVID-19 came into our lives in March like a hurricane and required a business continuity plan – quickly and effectively – for many businesses to keep operating.

What started as a recommendation to work from home quickly turned into government-mandated shelter in place orders, requiring millions of workers across the country to set up their at-home workstation for the first time.

Many businesses scrambled, transferring data from local servers to unsecure devices to bring home to a network that was questionably secure. The whole thing is a hacker’s dream and a security officer’s worst nightmare.

Business continuity is a process and procedure that every business should have but is commonly backburnered, thanks to more urgent needs. COVID-19 moved business continuity to the forefront of everything.

Businesses who had moved their infrastructure to the cloud previously, though, have been able to continue their business operations with far less disruption than those who are running local workloads.

For over 20 years, Netgain has been helping clients migrate their business operations to a secure, stable, and accessible cloud environment. The built-in business continuity function of the cloud has never been more prominent than now.

Our clients across the country were able to transition their team to home environments at a much quicker pace than most businesses, thanks to the remote benefits that the cloud offers, without sacrificing security or performance. This allowed them to continue running their business, which is of utmost importance.

Primarily serving the financial and healthcare industries, our clients could not afford to slow down when COVID-19 hit.  Here’s what a few of our clients have to say about how Netgain has enabled them to continue doing business amidst this crisis:

“With the huge impact of COVID-19, one area our firm was ready with was the ability to immediately have all our employees work from home. By having Netgain and the Microsoft Azure environment in place, we were well prepared for this. Our clients continue to be served during this difficult time, and our employees are working productively from their homes. We had planned for this, hoping we’d never need it to this extent.”
– Gabe Grzeskiewicz
Senior Manager/Director of Information Systems

“We are very grateful for Afinety right now. Our entire office is working from home and everyone in support is doing what is needed to keep us going!”
– Sue Boyko, Office Administrator
Pleiss Sitar McGrath Hunter & Hallack

“Thank you for the important role Netgain plays by ensuring our systems are stable and available, assisting with remote access, and handling Support requests.  Netgain is literally helping us save lives.” 
– Executive Director Regional Health Network

Remote working is past the point of being a ‘trend,’ and many businesses will adopt a permanent version of telecommuting even after COVID-19 has run its course. Use this time to set your business up for remote-working success – without sacrificing performance, security, or productivity.

If you haven’t already embraced remote-working with peace of mind and confidence in performance and security, reach out and let’s chat – 877-797-4700.