The Value of Support – What to look for when evaluating your service provider
Not all hosting companies have a good client support system. As a healthcare or financial provider you need to make sure that you not only look at their security, uptime and service…
6 Benefits of Moving to the Cloud (Part 2)
In Part I of The Benefits of Moving to the Cloud, we discussed how cost effective, scalable, and secure it is to implement a cloud solution for your IT needs.…
6 Benefits of Moving to the Cloud (Part 1)
There is no question that technological advances are being made at ever-increasing speeds. If you’re in the business of providing health or financial services that fact may make you a little…
The Top Risk Factors of using a Shared Cloud Environment for your Practice or Firm
There’s a big difference between using a shared cloud environment and using a private cloud for your healthcare or financial applications and data. If you’ve been under the impression that…
8 HIPAA-Related Questions To Ask A Potential Hosting Provider
HIPAA was created primarily to protect the confidentiality and security of healthcare information. As a physician’s practice, you are responsible for ensuring you use HIPAA compliant IT service vendors, particular…
4 Benefits of Using a Private Cloud Hosting Provider
The difference between a public and a private cloud is that a private structure will be used to solely accommodate your company data whereas a public system has infrastructure that…
Three Things to do in Response to the Sandworm Threat to Windows Security
Executive Summary: Earlier this week, Microsoft privately released a patch for a critical vulnerability affecting all modern versions of Windows. Without this patch, a malicious file can download and execute…
SSAE 16 Audit: What it Means for Healthcare Information Security
An SSAE 16 (Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements, no. 16) audit is a standard created by the Auditing Standards Board (ASB) and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants…
5 Things About Flash Storage You May Not Know
You may have heard about flash storage, also known as Solid State Drive (SSD). Flash storage is known for being incredibly fast and offers increased performance, consistency, and reliability. These…
Is the Cloud Secure?
This question has been brought to light in the wake of the celebrity photo scandal this week.
3 Best Practices To Follow For Better Password Security
I hate passwords. They are complex, should be unique for every website or service, and I have to change them every 90 days. What is the point? “My accounts have…
The Worst Advice We’ve Ever Heard About Reducing Operating Costs
It is important for companies to cut business cost, but the worst advice we’ve ever heard about reducing operating costs is refusing to invest in the latest advances in IT…