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From the CEO’s Desk: 2017 Reflections, 2018 Planning



It’s hard to believe we’re a month in to 2018!

We want to take a few minutes to reflect on 2017 – a year of growth, evolution and continuing to help businesses use technology to further their mission. 2017 was a year of building momentum in the healthcare and financial services industries. We plan to continue that momentum and build additional excitement in 2018 through proven technologies and new innovations.

Reflecting on 2017

Superior support

We know that when a client is having an issue, there may be a sick patient on the other end, waiting to be treated by their provider, or another highly urgent need. Support is one of the most important aspects of delivering IT services, and it is one of our core focuses at Netgain.

Because we know how emergent our clients’ support requests are, we go above and beyond to provide excellent support. Each of our clients has a Client Support Team that knows their environment and applications and is familiar with their users. We also offer phone support in addition to online support, whereas a lot of IT providers offer only online support. This allows clients to get their issue heard, understood and resolved quicker.

In 2017, we excelled in support, and our HelpDesk Institute (HDI) survey results reflect that. On the four categories HDI reports on: satisfaction, courtesy, timeliness and knowledge, Netgain rated higher at the end of the year than the beginning. What’s more, our clients have used the HDI survey to provide these great comments regarding our support:

“Caleb was great! He was very patient and took the time to really assist me with getting back online! Very pleasant, well-spoken and didn’t talk down as some IT support techs do. Very happy with this help!!!”

“Every time I’ve needed assistance from Netgain they have been courteous, helpful, and timely. Thank you for all your help!”

“Your staff members are always courteous, efficient and effective. I don’t have long wait periods when I call in for an issue. I believe that Zach was the same gentleman I worked with the last time I had an issue which helps me to feel a little more at ease.”

“Mitchell was so incredibly helpful and prompt! Excellent work and I am deeply thankful for it.”

Full-service IT 

We’ve been providing private cloud solutions for over 18 years—since before “the cloud” was cool. In 2017, we took our IT services to another level. In addition to offering private cloud solutions, industry-specific application hosting, on-site managed services and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), Netgain began packaging our services into a full-service, comprehensive, end-to-end solution called IT-as-a-service (ITaaS).

ITaaS means complete management of your cloud and on-premises IT infrastructure. Our clients were spending time, resources and money managing things like endpoint management, workstation encryption and internet connections that maximize uptime and reliability. ITaaS means we procure, manage and support it all for a simple, predictable and scalable monthly cost.

Industry-centric experience and expertise

We’ve provided IT services to every industry you can imagine in our 18 years of cloud computing, but we’ve since narrowed our focus to offer our clients a deeper level of expertise and specialization. We’ve become experts in providing comprehensive IT services to the healthcare and financial services industries, both of which are highly regulated and complex.

In the last year, we’ve partnered with industry software providers, hired industry experts and partnered with our clients to understand each of their pain-points and needs. By doing this, we can provide a more stable and reliable solution without the need for expensive and restrictive hardware refresh cycles.

Planning for 2018

Focus on innovation

Technology is changing at a breakneck pace. We want our clients to be able to focus on furthering their business, instead of worrying about the ever-changing technology landscape. So, in 2018 we are ramping up our innovation efforts to bring new solutions to market that make business easier for our clients to use technology. Stay tuned for news and updates from Netgain’s Innovation Team!

Security concentration 

Surveys reveal that cybersecurity is a top concern for businesses that store highly protected personal and financial information, especially in the healthcare and financial services industries. Netgain has always been a cybersecurity leader and in 2018 we will continue to enhance our vigilance and education to ensure our clients’ data remains protected and secure.

Stay tuned as Netgain’s Security Team rolls out security audits, staff training and other cybersecurity initiatives.

Hybrid cloud delivery 

Historically, the public cloud hasn’t been recommended for highly-regulated industries like healthcare and financial services, because of the shared resources and concerns over control and security. However, when paired with a private cloud solution (making it a hybrid cloud), it can offer the premier benefits of both public and private clouds.

Netgain is partnering with public cloud providers like Microsoft Azure and other public cloud tools to deliver a hybrid cloud solution for clients that maximizes availability and minimizes budget. When integrated and managed correctly, a hybrid cloud solution can provide great benefits.

2017 was a whirlwind and we don’t plan to slow down any time soon. Netgainers will continue to push to be the best and offer the best services to advance IT in the healthcare and financial services industries. We’re looking forward to great things in 2018.