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Cybersecurity Webinar Recap: New Attack Methods



Last year, Ginni Rometty, IBM’s chairman, president and CEO, said, “Cybercrime is the greatest threat to every company in the world.

And she was right. CSO cites that during the next five years, cybercrime might become the greatest threat to every person, place and thing in the world. It’s no wonder that cybersecurity is a top concern of every executive we talk to.

Netgain serves highly regulated industries like healthcare and finance. These industries tend to be the most targeted as far as cybercrimes because of the high-value data they collect – patient and financial records. Stringent cybersecurity standards for these industries are paramount.

On the Netgain blog, we are continually updating the healthcare and financial industry on cyber-threats and how to best protect your organization.

Recently, we hosted a cybersecurity-focused webinar, presented by our CISSP-certified Security Officer, Charles Killmer.

If you missed it, don’t worry, we recorded it for you. Here are a few things we covered.

History of malware

While it may seem like a new concept, cyber threats are as old as the internet. We reviewed some history of malware and how it continues to evolve.

The cybercrime landscape

Hundreds of thousands of cybercrimes are attempted every day and too many are successful. Learn who gets targeted, where they’re found and how attackers are preying on the vulnerable.

Sources of cyberattacks
Hackers are tricky and their tactics are sophisticated. Cybercrimes are now happening through seemingly trusted avenues like email, app stores, USB drives and public and private network access.

Protecting your organization

Armed with all this information about cybersecurity, the question becomes: how can I protect my organization?! We covered some best practices both for your IT environment and your users, because as we all know, human error is still the greatest threat to exposure.