Inside Netgain: Meet Demetri Booras, Senior Field Services Technician



Q: What is your role at Netgain?

Demetri: I wear many hats and have had varying responsibilities across many different projects. However, my current title is a Senior Field Services Technician.

Q. What does your day-to-day typically look like?

Demetri: Much like any of us on support, I work in our phone queue talking with clients every day. I also coordinate and collaborate with others on tickets, mentor colleagues on communication/tickets, and currently I am proudly leading a project on redeveloping Netgain’s Quality Assurance (QA) process.

Q: How is servicing clients in the CPA and Healthcare industry different than mainstream tech or other industries?

Demetri: These are two industries that deal with highly sensitive data and require special knowledge in compliance and regulations. These industries require more than just the latest in security but also availability to meet the high demands of a fast-paced environment such as a CPA firm in tax season or a practice with a full schedule of patients during flu season.

Q: What is the most valuable part of your job? Why?

Demetri: The opportunity to help solve problems for people every day. Whether they are clients or colleagues my value is in building relationships and interacting with people. However, I find the most valuable part is having the opportunity to mentor and be involved with the Quality Assurance for our team. Being able to work with each colleague and assist in achieving their professional goals is the passion I value most.

Q: How has Netgain’s client-first approach influenced how we deliver/service our cloud-based solutions to clients?

Demetri: When you put the client first you stop delivering a cloud-based solution and start delivering a solution. To better explain this, what we deliver stops being about us and becomes part of the client’s future. In the tech industry, entire businesses are operating from the cloud and having a client-first approach allows us to put ourselves in the client’s shoes with the full knowledge of how their business can fit in our cloud-based solution. This results in world class customer service where instead of trying to provide services to meet client needs, we provide solutions to exceed them.

Q: What has been your experience working at Netgain?

Demetri: To sum it up in one word, evolutionary. I was hired 9 years ago with little experience in the tech industry but was mentored and became a field service technician. As my knowledge grew, I became more comfortable. My confidence grew as I became more frequently requested for client sites. As the market started evolving so did technology needs and my role in the field began to shrink to meet the cloud. I moved over to the support team and was again mentored and began to put a lot more effort in my professional career. Which now has blessed me with the opportunity to mentor others and I could not be any more grateful.

Demetri in his Gandalf hat!

Q: When you aren’t working, what might we find you doing?

Demetri: Lately, playing video games however those are phases that come and go. You’ll find me creating quests for my Dungeons and Dragons campaigns, playing board games with friends, or generally nerding out.

Q: With summer recently kicking off, what are you most looking forward to in the upcoming months?

Demetri: I feel most of us from the Midwest can agree with finally being comfortable outside and enjoying all the outdoor events that come with summer. I’m really looking forward to soaking it all in with friends and family.

Q: What is a fun fact that people might not know about you?

Demetri: I am a certified life coach and perform tarot readings as a hobby. I find our universe utterly fascinating and am always looking to learn about the mysteries it holds.

Q. Tell us a little bit about why you chose Netgain and the career growth you’ve experienced here.

Demetri: As mentioned earlier I came with little experience with IT but had plenty of experience as a field technician. Netgain gave me the opportunity to grow, learn, and become the professional I am today. My growth has now allowed me to coach and mentor others. What I didn’t realize I would get to do, is build relationships with clients and colleagues which is a passion of mine. To sum up my experience with Netgain there is a Confucius quote I’d like to share, “Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”

Q: Finally, what advice do you have for prospective Netgain candidates?

Demetri: We are a people first company, that means you get a supportive management team that supports and provides their employees. This also applies to our clients since our employees feel supported, and thus provide a better service. Why Netgain? Because you’re important.

Q: What values of Netgain do you most align with and why?

Demetri: I hate to sound cliché and say “I can’t pick just one”, however Netgain’s values are the core of being a successful person – client focus, openness, and growth are the recipe for success. I strive for success in all that I do and if I had to choose, would select those three among them. Having a client focus mindset places me in the perfect perspective to provide world class customer service. Openness and transparency create the stage for growth. If we are closed off from the world, we can’t learn and being realistic of our situation allows us to become a better version of ourselves.

Q: What excites you the most when you think of the future and achievements of Netgain that are to come?

Demetri: Being able to help businesses transition to the new age that cloud computing provides. To provide support to businesses in a way that they may not have known was possible. I love working at Netgain because I get to be a part of something bigger that allows me to express my passion of helping others. From IT issues to coaching my team, we are poised for a future that will exceed today’s standards in technology.

Any final comments to share?

Something I often share with others is – Trying to fit in will only limit your potential because you’re trying to fit something greater than where it’s meant to be. So be yourself because nobody will ever be as good at it as you.

Thank you, Demetri, for all you do for our clients and organization!