Inside Netgain: Meet Diane Ellis, Senior Billing Data Analyst



Q: What is your role at Netgain?

Diane: My role is to manage the order to cash process. This involves managing all things that go into the maintaining the various systems (five at this moment) Finance works in, specifically revolving around clients’ contracts and how they are invoiced.

Q. What does your day-to-day typically look like?

Diane: The exciting part right now is that we are revamping Intranetgain and how its structure is set up. We are going through our process and performing clean up in many areas (packages, accounting items, etc.) to build a better revenue platform. 

Q. Tell us a little bit about why you chose Netgain and what your experience has been working at Netgain?

Diane: I chose to join Netgain because there were challenges that intrigued me. The position presented to me had so many opportunities to develop good processes and impart my experiences in the A/R world. 

Q: What values of Netgain do you most align with and why?

Diane: Integrity of the people that work here. I’m very fortunate to spend my day(s) with a great group of people that you can rely on and trust.  

Q: It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Netgain has been conducting a month-long campaign to collect funds and drive awareness for breast cancer research. As a 7+ year breast cancer survivor, what do you think most people don’t know about breast cancer?

Diane: Probably all the different decisions that need to be made. I had thought (or hoped) there would be a set plan. It is so important to have an advocate with you during your treatment. There are many key choices to be made when you are in a very vulnerable state.  From doctors, then second opinions, types of therapy, etc., and the unexpected turns along the way, that I was not prepared for. I am very lucky to have a husband, who is an engineer, that helped me navigate through this (& provided charts on my progress too, the doctors loved him ?).

Q: Do you remain involved in Breast Cancer Awareness initiatives? If so, what resources have you continued to utilize?

Diane: Yes, I participate in the annual Race for the Cure and donate to the Hope Chest near me. These organizations played an important role in supporting me through this journey with seminars and events that keep me in step with others and life. It was uplifting to hear other stories and becoming comfortable that I will be ok.

Q: Through everything you have overcome, how are you living your life differently and why? 

Diane: Enjoy today and try to make a difference in someone life. I have too many stories on how people helped me without asking. Totally grateful!

Q: What would you tell someone who was recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer? (advice):

Diane: Deep breath and don’t do this alone. Enlist an advocate. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. 

Q: When you aren’t working, what might we find you doing?

Diane: We love the outdoors so you can find us fishing, boating, gardening, or attending a Wild game.

Q: What is a fun fact that people might not know about you?

Diane: I have over 90 cousins.

Q: Is there anything else you would like to share regarding Breast Cancer Awareness Month or Netgain?

Diane: For both, listen to people’s experiences. You may help them and/or yourself.    

Thank you, Diane, for sharing your story with us – you are a rock star!