Inside Netgain: Meet Matt Wiessner, Systems Engineer & Navy Veteran



Q: What is your role at Netgain?

Matt: I am currently a Systems Engineer at Netgain.

Q. Tell us a little bit about why you chose Netgain and what your experience has been working at Netgain?

Matt: After speaking with IT Managers Adam Erickson and Greg Brown, along with VP of Client Operations Patrick Williamson during the interview process, I knew Netgain would be a perfect fit for me. Patrick even left a professional gathering to meet with me. There is a lot of opportunity to grow with Netgain, and I look forward to going to work.

Q. What does your day-to-day typically look like?

Matt: My daily routine consists of answering tickets, decommissioning servers, as well as scheduling overnight requests. Moreover, I am constantly looking for ways to continue to make my direct manager Adam look good.

Q: What values of Netgain do you most align with and why?

Matt: To be fair, I don’t really align with just one. All of Netgain’s values work in tandem to provide the best quality product.

Q: It’s Veterans Day today. Can you share a little bit about why you enlisted and how you chose your branch of service?

Matt: Originally, I enlisted with the intention of playing soccer. I quickly found out during boot camp that there was no Navy soccer team unless you were an officer in college. However, I knew that I would learn and enjoy my time serving. During my schooling in the military, I found passion in my role as a Fire Control Technician. The mathematics and IT elements of the role were super interesting to me, as it was stimulating but also for a greater purpose of serving the country. In a way, my initial interests that came from my time serving led me to pursue my career in IT.

Q: Where and when did you serve? Are you still an active member of the military?

Matt: I spent my military days in Groton, CT, where I was a Fire Control Technician, aboard the USS Annapolis. I am no longer on active duty.

Q: How did you imagine military life before you joined? How did your perceptions change after serving?

Matt: I imagined it to be much like Top Gun. Boy, was I wrong. I grew to love and respect all my fellow brothers and sisters, now fully understanding what they must go through on a day-to-day.

Q: What is your biggest takeaway from serving?

Matt: Hard work and dedication will always reward the team. It is important to remember the sacrifices and challenges overcome by every individual on the team that earned them their success. The same can be said for failure. “One crew, one screw” was one of the more common phrases.

Q: As a Veteran, what do you think most people don’t know about serving in the military?

Matt: 18-hour days are a different way to live. It quickly gets exhausting.

Q: How do you recognize Veterans Day?

Matt: I go to the cemetery every couple of years to visit family and friends I have lost.

Q: When you aren’t working, what might we find you doing?

Matt: Singing with a live band, or even at a karaoke bar, but more likely you will find me in my garage bar singing.

Q: What is a fun fact that people might not know about you?

Matt: I used my chainsaw to build my garage bar.

Q: Any final thoughts regarding Veterans Day or Netgain?

Matt: Whenever you get the chance, make sure to thank a Veteran for their service, but maybe not so much with words. Buy them a coffee. Pay for their meal. Without their dedication to this country, we would not be able to enjoy the liberties and freedoms we have today. You never know what brought them to where they are today.

Thank you for your service, Matt!