Netgain CSAT Scores Continue to Increase



Netgain CSAT Scores Continue to Increase

As a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, Netgain Technology, a St. Cloud, MN IT outsourcing company, administered their annual Customer Satisfaction Survey through Microsoft in October. Compared to the average for Microsoft partners, Netgain outperformed the competition.

“Each year we administer this survey, and strive to improve based on our customer feedback. This year, we are honored to report our results are the highest they’ve been. We attribute our positive results to an excellent team of technologists that work every day to provide world-class customer service,” said Founder and CEO, Scott Warzecha.

This year, Netgain’s net satisfaction score was 12% higher than the Microsoft Partner average, and 21% higher than their own score last year. In addition, 100% of respondents noted that they are satisfied with Netgain’s service, and also that they would recommend Netgain to a colleague.

Netgain also received individual comments from survey respondents, and will take that feedback into consideration as they move forward in the coming year.
The Microsoft Customer Satisfaction Index is a requirement of Microsoft Partners in order to retain their Gold Certification Level. The online survey is administered annually to Netgain clients, and rates customer loyalty, revenue impact, and overall performance, among other categories.
For more information about the Netgain’s CSAT results, please download the Analytics Comparison report here.
About Netgain
Netgain Technology, Inc is a privately held provider of IT Outsourcing services. Specializing in the healthcare vertical, Netgain offers hosted electronic medical records and practice management solutions for physician practices and healthcare organizations.  Netgain is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and has achieved specialized competencies in Hosting Solutions and Advanced Infrastructure Solutions, and Networking Infrastructure Solutions.