
Netgain Earns SAS 70 Type II Certification



St. Cloud, MN – January 10, 2011 — Netgain, a healthcare information technology provider in St. Cloud, MN, announced today that it has successfully completed  the SAS 70 Type II audit for service providers.  Lurie Besikof Lapidus & Co, the independent auditing firm, issued Netgain an exemption-free statement of certification in early January.

Set forth by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 70 audit reports on controls at a service organization relevant to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.  While the Type I report describes the service organization’s controls at a specific point in time, a Type II report describes the service organization’s controls through testing and over a period of time (usually six months).

“We completed the audit for our clients.  Not only does it make reporting easier for clients needing to comply with SAS70 standards, but it also gives them peace of mind knowing the controls around their sensitive data are compliant with the more stringent industry standards,” said Matt Riley, Netgain’s VP of Operations.
Throughout the audit, Netgain was evaluated on their internal policies and procedures.  Data storage, building and data center access/security, change procedures of hardware and software, and customer data security are among the controls Netgain was audited and tested on.

Netgain acts as a Business Associate under HIPAA for many of their healthcare clients, so it was important to them that they comply with SAS 70, which has become the healthcare industry’s standard for data center controls and compliance with securing hosted data.
Ongoing SAS 70 Type II audits will ensure Netgain is maintaining their safeguards and controls as they continue to grow and host sensitive client data.

About Netgain
Netgain, an eHealth solutions provider based in Minnesota, works to improve the patient experience by managing the IT operations of healthcare providers nationwide.
Netgain’s comprehensive IT solutions benefit healthcare organizations of all sizes and specialties, at all stages of eHealth adoption. By identifying the specific needs of the organizations, Netgain creates a customized IT infrastructure solution with HIPAA-level security, five nines availability and the flexibility to be hosted at Netgain or at the organization’s site. Netgain manages the infrastructure securely and remotely. This approach simplifies the healthcare IT environment while improving efficiencies and increasing security. 