Netgain Joins Industry in Measuring Net Promoter Score



As we hope is evident through so many of our 2013 initiatives, Netgain has a renewed focus on client satisfaction and retention.

Last year, we implemented the Helpdesk Institute’s Customer Satisfaction Index surveys. If you’ve logged a service request with Netgain, you’ve likely received a survey. Thank you for participating in these surveys! The feedback that we’ve received from clients has been tremendously helpful in identifying our strengths and weaknesses and implementing strategies for improvement.

One of the questions on the HDI Survey is “How likely is it that you would recommend Netgain to a friend or colleague?” This question is the basis for an industry-wide client satisfaction rating method, the Net Promoter Score.

The NPS is determined by taking the percent of Promoters (answered 9 or 10) minus the percent of Detractors (answered 0-6).


The graph shows the trend of our NPS score since February of last year. We’re proud to say we’ve made great progress on our scores and we continually strive to improve.

Our desire is to have Netgain clients that are proud and eager to refer us to their friends and colleagues because of the service and support we provide.

Apple leads the technology industry in NPS scores with an average of 71 in 2012. The average technology service provider NPS score is 35. Netgain strives to lead the industry in offering superior service and support, with monthly averages as high as 58.

In addition to measuring our NPS, a few more of Netgain’s customer satisfaction initiatives in 2013 are:

Strengthen Relationships

Build a deeper knowledge of our client base to handle escalated issues and enhance our ability to solve inquiries in a more timely fashion.

Create Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in the area of specific technologies, customer environments, and software platforms.

Contact System Updates

Implement a new contact system to better direct your service requests via skills based routing.

Enhance our reporting to identify trends and close gaps in our services.

As always, if you have any questions for Netgain, please feel free to reach out to Gail Stanger, Director of Support Services, or 877.797.4700 x 138.