Netgainer’s Favorite Holiday Traditions



There’s something about the holiday season, isn’t there? I don’t know if it’s the excitement in the air, or the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, but it’s all so energetic and fun.

Our Netgainers get excited for the holidays, too, building their own traditions with their families.  Today, we’re taking a break from talking about cloud, servers, and technology – and some of our Netgainers are sharing their favorite holiday traditions with you.

Ruth Vorwerk – Executive Assistant

Growing up my family celebrated St. Nicholas Day. On the Eve of St. Nicholas Day, a sled would mysteriously arrive at the side door of our farmhouse, containing a large bag of mixed nuts, ribbon candy, and chocolates. Though we tried to catch a glimpse, we never saw how it got there but later learned that my oldest brother collaborated with my parents to create and carry out this tradition. Though my parents and oldest brother aren’t here to celebrate with us anymore, the tradition continues with my nieces/nephews and great-nieces/nephews. It was such a magical tradition, and we’re honored to carry on the tradition.

Rukshan Wijeratne – Project Manager

We have a lot of holiday traditions in our family. For starters, every year, right before the peak of the holiday season, we drive around looking at holiday lights together. We love to find the ones that are synced to music, and enjoy the show.

As far as presents, we’ve adopted the tradition that each person gets four presents: something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read.

Lastly, on Christmas day, we spend the day at home as a family, watching holiday movies. It’s a great reminder of what the holiday season is really about.

Jon Hallberg – Information Security Officer

The Holidays are a very special time for my family. Our favorite holiday “tradition” is watching the two best Christmas movies ever made – Trading Places and Die Hard.

Cynthia Inman – Project Coordinator

We love to play Loteria when my family gets together for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It’s a great game of luck that everyone of all ages can enjoy after dinner.

Jackie Lozano – Service Coordinator

One tradition that’s dear to my heart is gathering the nine of us kids around the rest of the family while drinking hot coco and watching Christmas movies.

Paula Montgomery – General Manager

As my nieces and nephews have gotten older, giving them cash became a bit boring and predictable. So about 5 years ago, I started doing Christmas Bingo. I buy a bunch of gift cards and liquor (since they’re all adults now), and give those out as bingo prizes. We all have a great time. Due to schedules, we’ll be doing a New Year’s Bingo this holiday season and everyone is looking forward to it!

This holiday season, we hope you’re intentional about holiday traditions (and if you don’t have them, make them!) and enjoying time together with friends and family.

From our Netgain family to yours, Happy Holidays.