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Recapping Our Top Specialized IT Posts of 2018



Top Specialized IT Posts of 2018

In 2018, we shared nearly 100 blog posts from our expert Netgainers in areas like Healthcare IT, Financial IT, Legal IT, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity and Compliance, and Performance and Availability. We have such a great team of experts at Netgain willing to share their knowledge and expertise.

What Does Landscaping Have to Do with Specialized IT? (Everything, Actually.)

While doing some landscaping this summer (and daydreaming of specialized IT, as always), we made an unlikely connection between specialized IT and landscaping. During the project, we visited big box stores for landscaping advice and purchasing of plants. They just weren’t able to provide the customized level of service and expertise that was needed – and the plants kept dying. Finally, we visited a nursery, specializing in plants. The nursery asked all the right questions about the conditions of where we were planting, identified what would work based on the elements, and provided hearty plants that would thrive in our specific environment.

See where we’re going here?! Too often, healthcare organizations and financial services firms go to non-specialized IT firms for advice on very complex and highly regulated topics, when in reality, they need to be going to an IT provider that specializes in healthcare IT, financial services IT or IT for law firms. This specialized IT partner can ask the right questions, identify a custom solution that fits their firm, and provide specialized support that allows their organizations to thrive.

Protect Your Practice with a Security Risk Analysis

Not surprisingly, Security Risk Analysis (SRAs) was a hot topic in 2018 and will continue to be in 2019 as the security landscape continues to evolve and new threats emerge.

Having a strong information security posture requires a full, 360-degree view of the organization, and often, that extends beyond the scope of an external IT partner. This blog outlines the purpose of an SRA and the importance of remediation.

How to Create the Perfect Password

As part of Cybersecurity Awareness Month in October, we spent time addressing a critical, but often-neglected, topic: creating secure passwords. Though the importance of complex passwords shouldn’t be news, we received a lot of feedback from clients who sent the blog to their entire user-base. The best practices outlined in this blog have helped organizations improve their security and mitigate the risk of their users’ passwords.

How to Create a Cybersecurity Training Curriculum

Your users are your organization’s number one security risk. We will say it again: your users (the people who work for your organization) are your NUMBER ONE security risk. Each breach proved this to be true, time after time.

Because of this user-vulnerability, Netgain created a security training curriculum for our clients to use within their organization. It’s a similar curriculum that we use to train our healthcare practices, financial services clients and law firms.

For the sake of your data security, train your users often as the cybersecurity landscape is changing daily.

8 Key Roles to Consider when Building Your IT Team

One of the key factors that drives healthcare practices, financial service firms and law firms to Netgain is that clients gain access to a team of over 100 IT experts who are specialized in various areas of IT. Some organizations, however, may want to employ that expertise internally, so we wrote a blog to offer a little guidance on what positions a healthcare practice, financial services firm or law firm should hire to create an IT team that can grow and evolve with the landscape of technology.

BONUS! We heard great things about our blog post, Cybersecurity Checklist – Steps to Take to Protect You and Your Family at Home, which focuses on steps to take to ensure your personal home environment – from passwords to smart home devices – are secure.

Are there any blog topics you’d like to see on the Netgain blog? Send us an email at marketing[at]netgaincloud[dot]com. We’d love your suggestions!