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System Administrators: Fantastic Fixer of All Things Tech



If you’re reading this on your computer, smartphone or tablet, chances are your practice has an IT person that is responsible for making sure your device is securely connecting to the network, enabling you to work every day.

These IT people are called System Administrators and, like many other professionals, they have their own day! The last Friday in July, the 28th this year, is designated as “SysAdmin Day.” According to SysAdminDay.com, a System Administrator is a “fantastic fixer of all things tech. The IT pros.”

Netgain is made up of nearly all System Administrators. Our teams of SysAdmins ensure our clients have reliable and secure access to their IT environment when they arrive at work. And, when issues arise, they work overnights and weekends to ensure our clients experience minimal disruption.

In honor of SysAdmin Day, we’re featuring four Netgain teams and the SysAdmins that serve on them.

Service Delivery Team
Kyle Paavola serves as an analyst on Netgain’s Service Delivery Team, one of the first teams that clients interact with in their migration to the cloud. In a typically introverted environment, the Service Delivery team are the extroverted introverts.

The Service Delivery Team configures the client’s new hosted environment, after evaluating the application, storage and connection requirements. The team coordinates the installation of applications, migrates data and tests the environment with the client-champion.

“We provide a very thorough plan, migration and test environment to ensure a smooth transition. Understanding the critical-nature of our clients, we configure environment to provide the greatest balance of availability, security and reliability,” Kyle said.

Security Team
Taylor Waletzko’s love for all things security is evident in his work as an Information Security Analyst. He focuses on anti-virus, endpoint encryption, disk wiping, patch reports and log monitoring software.

The necessity for security in healthcare is unlike any other industry. With security threats being developed by hackers on a daily basis, the dedication to pro-active security is imperative. Security remains a primary driver for cloud adoption which is why Netgain has a Security Team dedicated to prevention, detection and protection of our client’s cloud environment.

The Security Team keeps a pulse on security issues and threats, implements proactive products to protect clients and monitors activity to prevent infiltration.

“Our clients can’t possibly stay up to date on all the security threats, available patches and new regulations. Our team really takes that burden off their shoulders,” Taylor says.

System Operations Team
Ian Blauer, a System Operations Analyst, enjoys his job because he improves the performance, efficiency and speed with which Netgain clients can treat their patients. “When patients are evaluated and treated faster, it improves their lives,” Ian said.

The System Operations Team ensures servers are operating at their peak performance. To do this, the team identifies necessary patches, monitors system performance and troubleshooting issues that arise.

For current Netgain clients, the System Operations Team plans and executes redeployments if resources aren’t performing up to par, plans and deploys new applications and solutions and automates common tasks such as drive cleanup, disk expansions, and common application deployment and configuration that lead to optimized performance.

Virtualization Team
Bjorn Struebing, an Infrastructure Engineer on the team, is the champion for Netgain’s disaster recovery solution and evaluates how it can best be implemented within client environments.

Netgain’s Virtualization Team researches and maintains Netgain’s server, storage and backup infrastructure to ensure client’s availability and performance. In addition, the Virtualization team manages backup, replication and restore processes to protect against disasters.

Even though nearly every Netgainer is a System Administrator, the breadth and depth of expertise of each member varies greatly. We’re lucky to have teams of extremely talented, passionate and innovative technologists who consistently do more than asked or expected.

SysAdmins make sure technology works and come to your rescue when it doesn’t. How will you celebrate your SysAdmin this year?!