Passwords are like Bubblegum – Better When Fresh, and Not Shared
October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month. Cyber Security Awareness is something that should not be limited to just the month of October. But, this month’s “national designation” gives me…
Password Best Practices: What Makes an Effective Password?
The number of passwords the average person has is extensive. Keeping track of all these passwords is a hassle…and then you add in the dreaded password reset day when you…
[INFOGRAPHIC] Are Unsecure Passwords Putting Your Organization at Risk?
User error will arguably be your organization’s single largest security vulnerability. One area that is often overlooked is the management and oversight of passwords that can leave your organization vulnerable.…
How to Create the Perfect Password
You’ve heard it for years: “password” is a terrible password to use. But, it hasn’t stopped millions of users from picking the simplest and easiest-to-guess passwords, like “123456” and “password.”…