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The Sunsetting of the Private Cloud



At the rate that business changes, technology seems to change three times faster. As quickly as mainframe computers started taking some of the workload decades ago, the personal computer came in and stole the show. Then, from big workstation devices to tablets and notebooks, and from big server boxes to virtual blade servers. Things change quickly – and typically in the direction of efficiency and productivity.

For years, private clouds were the primary option for organizations looking to move off local infrastructure. Moving to a private cloud helped you get out of dealing with in-house hardware and moved you to a more centralized solution. If you used a vendor for your private cloud, you relied on the vendor to own and upgrade the hardware infrastructure, which were costs that were invariably passed along to you in your monthly service fees.

Now, enter public cloud environments that boast similar benefits of private cloud, but with even greater capabilities. Today’s world of hyperscale cloud with Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and Google Cloud Platform, gives you more flexibility and security than ever.

In our full white paper, we explore the main reasons for the shift from private to public cloud in depth, but for purposes of keeping this at a ‘cliff notes’ level, here’s the short of it:

  1. Hardware has become more like software. It’s not huge box-servers anymore that take a small army to configure, it’s virtual blade servers that can be “added-to-cart” and configured as quickly as Microsoft 365.
  2. Public cloud security is simply unattainable for private cloud providers. Microsoft continues to spend $1B/year on security research and development to ensure that Azure is the most secure cloud in the world.
  3. While the features of public and private infrastructure are similar, public providers like Microsoft can innovate and roll out new features in a fraction of the time as a private cloud provider.
  4. Being built and redundant in 36 regions around the globe, public services like Azure has an unparalleled disaster recovery system in place.
  5. SaaS offerings are already in the public cloud, making it easy for a business to “attach” the rest of their infrastructure for one, comprehensive solution.
  6. Because of the level at which hyperscale providers purchase resources, they’re able to pass on a level of cost efficiencies unattainable for private cloud providers.
  7. Single tenant environments become readily available with hyperscale solutions, unlike in the private cloud, increasing performance and security.

Over the last 15 years, there have been significant improvements in technical capabilities within your business, and the hyperscale cloud provides the next level. So, do you do it yourself? The answer is no. Working with a hyperscale partner will allow you to truly experience all the benefits public cloud has to offer, while still maintaining a level of service and support that’s only offered with a true IT partner.

To explore the sunsetting of the private cloud in greater detail, download the full white paper. If you’re ready to take the next step toward a stable, secure, reliable, and productive cloud environment, let’s chat – 877-797-4700.