
The Top 4 Benefits of Cloud Computing in the Healthcare Industry



A lot has been said about the Cloud and its’ applications in business.  It is the first real revolution in data storage since the invention of the removable disk.  The bottom line of this innovation is that business’ no longer have to rely on banks of servers or expensive measures to store proprietary information, patient records, or any other conceivable data.

Cloud computing makes both software upgrades and movement virtually seamless allowing IT teams the freedom to usher in new technology as soon as it is available.  These are just some of the vast advantages of using Cloud technology.  Below are the top four benefits that Cloud computing brings to the healthcare industry.

1. Increased Flexibility

Moving to and from new software is an inevitable part of businesses in the 21st century.  Gone are the days of transferring data manually over months and at great expense.  Now it can be done overnight, because all of the business’ essential systems and information are in the Cloud.  Whether it be the format of data storage or the hardware the data is stored on, switching to new platforms has never been easier.

2. Reduce IT Costs

Storing data digitally means paying for software, hardware, and licensing fees.  Cloud computing reduces the bulk of these costs by:

  • allowing seamless transfer between software systems without disrupting already stored data,
  • doing away with expensive memory systems, and
  • exploiting the benefits of economies of scale that cloud providers can offer.

3. Monitor All Systems Efficiently

Having everything in one space allows overseers the access to monitor and maintain projects with incredible efficiency.  Cloud computing keeps every piece of information a manager or team member could need within easy reach.  This level of accessibility keeps an entire staff up to date with expectations and deadlines.  These benefits streamline the process allowing healthcare providers to do more work in less time, with less people, and fewer resources.  These resources include the time and money it takes to train staff on more complicated methods of storage.

4. Disaster Recovery

Nearly the most debilitating thing that can happen to any modern healthcare provider is a complete infrastructure collapse.  One of the most fearsome things for any administrator is a call from the IT team about a system wide crash, outside infiltration, or loss of data because of defective hardware. With Cloud computing you no longer have to spend finite resources on contingency plans to deal with an IT disaster.

Cloud computing is improving the way we work within the healthcare industry.  These four benefits may be the most influential and positive impactors on that business.  Feel free to contact us at Netgain to discuss other aspects and benefits of cloud computing.

Image courtesy of: pakorn/ Freedigitalphotos.net